Higher rates of skin cancer in men have long been recognised and recent research shows that progress remains slow. A World Health Organisation report forecasts that male skin cancer could double over the next 20 years
Men under 50 are more likely to develop malignant melanoma than any other form of cancer and far more likely to die from this than women of the same age. Similar principles apply to a variety of skin cancers.
This is not because men are unaware of the risk of skin cancer, they are often in denial and fail to take the same precautions as women.
Acting On Reality
As mentioned in the video, the facts about over exposure to the sun are well established. Research has shown that men are aware of the risk but many choose not to act on this and fail to protect themselves.
The thought of using a hat, other protective clothing, sunscreen and sunglasses are part of this. A more significant factor is the belief that a suntan is attractive, sexy, or part of showing manliness.
Similar ideas were used for many years to sell cigarettes, yet gave way to a more rational approach. Frying our skin is just about as dangerous, we simply need to accept this as a society and change the outlook.
Seeking Support
That exposure is the key to heightened risk is clear. Men are twice as likely to get skin cancer on their trunk as women, yet less than half as likely to see skin cancer on their legs, the lack of wearing skirts.
Another behavioural difference is that men often ignore abnormalities on their skin, or seek medical care at a late stage. Unhelpful, when early intervention offers an almost 100% cure rate for skin cancer but time eats into this.
A 2014 global disease study found a similar gap for many conditions. This also concluded the issues were male risk taking, behaviour based on masculinity, less likelihood of visiting a doctor and less discussion of symptoms.
The answer is clear for all of us, the sun is there to enjoy but in a controlled way. Even with control, checking your own skin makes sense, as does professional screening and if there is an issue, see a specialist as soon as possible
There is nothing masculine about damaging your body, or failing to find immediate care. By all means see a video and further information on skin cancer in men, reversing an unwanted trend is possible.