Recent reports have highlighted economic factors influencing paediatric healthcare, with dubious information on the web not helping. Taking a rational view of what is normal can be a useful antidote.
How Your Skin Affects Health And Longevity
We tend to judge skin health visually but inflammation, barrier defects, or other aspects can influence a range of conditions. From heart disease, to bone loss, muscle loss, diabetes, or types of dementia.
Research Into Razor Choice and Your Skin
A recent study focused on safety razors against cartridge types and the effect each of them has on your skin. They found an interesting, scientific way of showing different outcomes, which might be a surprise.
Intensive Cosmetic Use By Children
From the BBC to medical bodies, much has been said recently on young children using unsuitable, sometimes dangerous adult products. Not an easy task but we can help to counteract the viral push behind this.
Impact Of Technology On Medicine
The latest technology has brought medical benefit, with AI in particular about to take us much further. Change will be faster than any in history but there are caveats, when medicine is about people.
The State Of Our Health In 2024
There are health concerns, from a stall in smoking reduction, to increased obesity and NHS performance. We still shouldn’t ignore the positives medicine is seeing, from improving technology and artificial intelligence.
Effects Of Atopic Dermatitis In Childhood
Two separate UK studies in 2023 looked at AD’s wider effects and, whether the disease impaired cognitive ability. The conclusions are helpful and do suggest the best path for children of all ages with the disease.
Dermatology & National Waiting Times
The BBC recently ran a story on a patient waiting 4 years for an NHS dermatology appointment. We look at whether this an anomaly and the reality of waiting lists, along with outcomes for patients and possible solutions.
2023 Dermatology Conference In Oman
The core topics at an international dermatology conference are remarkably similar across the globe. Helping all of us to benefit from shared information and an understanding of any subtle differences which do exist.
Research Into Itching
A Harvard study has revealed a new way of looking at itching and could be valuable. This understanding of bacterial action is helpful, although potential treatments would not eliminate the cause behind the itch.