Whilst cleanliness is a logical step, the understandable wish to constantly wash acne affected skin is not helpful. Frequent washing can irritate the skin and make symptoms worse, washing acne related areas twice a day is fine.
Use a mild soap, or cleanser and wash in lukewarm water. Very hot or cold water may make acne symptoms worse.
If you have been exercising and sweating, try to shower as soon as possible afterwards. Sweating can be good for your skin, opening your pores and cleaning them, although if left, sweat can add to the blockages which cause acne.
Essential Rules
Please don’t try to clean out blackheads or squeeze your spots. This can rupture the follicle, make the spots worse and cause permanent scarring.
Avoid too much make up and use oil free, water based, or non comedogenic products. They are much less likely to block the pores in your skin.
Completely remove cosmetics before going to bed. If dry skin is a problem for you, use fragrance free, water based, non comedogenic emollients.
Regularly wash your hair and try to avoid letting hair fall across your face. The oils secreted from your scalp are not acne friendly.
Contributing To Treatment
A priority is to take action as soon as acne starts to appear and monitor change. Varying your personal hygiene routine can be part of this, seeking help from a pharmacist for mild cases, or a dermatologist if more severe.
Acne does not benefit from being left, reducing inconvenience and increasing self confidence come from remedial steps. They can also have a distinct affect on the degree of scarring you could see in the longer term.
Sticking to basic rules during treatment will naturally help this succeed and possibly shorten the time frame. Acne is not a condition which tends to see overnight cures, although quicker progress is always welcome.
If you are visiting our North London clinic, that progress is a shared exercise and our staff will offer all the time you need for personal advice. We hope the core rules mentioned above were helpful for all.
By all means return to our opening guide on acne treatment in London. You are equally welcome to contact our team for advice, or to arrange a consultation on 020 8441 1043, or send an email via the Make An Appointment button below.