Thanks to Dermnet for the helpful close ups, although bear in mind that genital cysts can be different shapes and colours.
A condition called idiopathic scrotal calcinosis (calcium deposits in the skin) is a quite common cause of cysts on the scrotum, or penis. The nodules tend to be a yellow brown, although they may produce a white, chalky substance.
Whilst cysts tend to be associated with the oily output of sebaceous glands, they can be due to the build up of other debris, such as keratin, hence the name keratin cysts. A range of other cyst types could also appear on the genitals.
They can be triggered by hormonal changes, injury, vigorous sexual activity, or genetic factors. There are types of cyst on the penis which may have existed since birth but only became noticeable much later in life.
The majority are not seriously painful but could become infected, they also tend to increase in size and/or number. This exacerbates the psychological harm, which in itself is a sound reason to seek professional care.
Diagnosis & Treatment
A consultant dermatologist will usually diagnose genital cysts without needing a biopsy, although diagnosis needs to be thorough. Cysts can be confused with other conditions, or in a few cases, be part of a sexually transmitted infection.
Other possibilities exist, such as unusual tropical diseases, even penile cancer but they are rare. The distinct symptoms of more prevalent cysts can be quickly diagnosed by your consultant and a treatment plan put in place.
This could include advice, such as a need to avoid accidentally, or deliberately bursting cysts, which will not solve the problem and may lead to infection.
A full range of treatment options are available at our London clinic, although in the vast majority of cases, surgical removal is the solution. A procedure which completely removes the cyst, relieves symptoms and is carried out with cosmetic care.
The surgery will be quite minimal. This may involve a local anaesthetic, possibly dissolvable stitches but should not interrupt your life.
Forward Looking Care
Any ancillary issues will naturally be treated, there can be cases where infected cysts need to be drained, perhaps antibiotics prescribed.
Dealing with all symptoms is important, although the objective remains of complete removal, without pain and with thought given to the aesthetic outcome. Treating a cyst on the penis, or scrotum requires a careful approach.
The condition can however be successfully treated, leaving a more pleasant future. If we can help with genital cysts, or other male dermatology conditions, please get in touch with our experienced team at any time.