Laser treatment is a patient friendly, day care procedure, able to target a defined area.
Vitiligo brings phsyical, psychological and social effects. A range of treatments are available, from topical steroids, to light therapies. Whilst they often require patience over a number of sessions, the improvement rate is rational.
They may be the correct approach for you, depending on the extent and location of the vitiligo. There is however a more recently developed treatment which has had time to be tested, the excimer laser.
Excimer Performance
Trials to date have shown the excimer laser to be at least as effective as any other treatment and generally more so.
A focused beam provides a relatively high dosage of UVB (short wavelength ultraviolet light) whilst reducing risk to healthy skin, or the tanning of unaffected areas.
The concentration of UV achieved brings a better clinical response than the alternative excimer lamp. A number of sessions are still required, although improvement is quicker and achieved with a lower cumulative dose.
As with any new approach, trials are ongoing. A significant assessment of performance is due soon and an important trial on the rate of relapse has begun.
Whilst vitiligo can be cured in some cases, the condition returning is quite common. Evidence to date suggests that excimer laser treatment has notable benefits for this.
Care At Our Clinics
We hope the description of excimer laser performance is balanced. Our London clinic staff are believers and have spent time ensuring treatment will be well delivered.
The intent was to avoid the picture a few websites give of a revolutionary, miracle cure, which will see everyone’s vitiligo vanish in a brief period of time.
There is a high chance the excimer laser will be right for you. Treatment is likely to be effective, faster, perhaps longer lasting and will be under the supervision of a consultant dermatologist.
Good medical insight into your personal condition matters, as does commitment from us to match your own.
Our team have seen fine results to date, treating vitiligo with the excimer laser. If you would like to learn more, or arrange a consultation, please get in touch.