Lentigo maligna commonly appears on the ear, nose, or wider facial area, where the cosmetic advantages of Mohs surgery are especially beneficial.
Lentigo maligna is a type of skin cancer which is often similar to melanoma in situ (MIS) or stage 0 melanoma, confined to the skin’s upper layers. Although less likely than in standard melanoma, this can still spread to deeper skin levels and into your body.
Our clinics use the latest techniques, such as confocal microscopy, to diagnose the extent of the condition and plan individual treatment. Mohs is often the most suitable treatment, as a significant study of patients treated for this condition showed in 2017.
They looked at 662 patients with MIS treated using Mohs, or the standard approach of wide local excision, which removes more tissue. This was a long term study and they saw no downside to Mohs.
Recurrence rates were 1.8% in the Mohs group and 5.7% in the wide local excision group. A form of treatment which brings less cosmetic damage, or inconvenience, had reduced the chance of the condition appearing again.
A more recent study by the Australian Cancer Council focused on lentigo maligna and came to similar conclusions “Mohs micrographic surgery has shown to improve complete clearance rates and reduced recurrence.”
This fits with our experience, that Mohs provides more complete and efficient removal of lentigo maligna. A good choice for most cases and especially so for visible regions, such as the head, neck, or face.
Benefits From Mohs
As with any skin cancer, accurate diagnosis and treatment planning are prime steps. Where your consultant is clear that Mohs would be the right solution for you and you agree, this holds immediate and longer term advantages.
Treating early stage melanoma type lesions stops them developing into more invasive forms. Low levels of recurrence are also likely, along with less cosmetic damage and preserving natural function.
Reduced interference with life in general can be important, along with the confidence a less invasive procedure such as Mohs surgery brings. A technique which is often the best choice for lentigo maligna.
Care At Our Clinic
Treatment is carried out as day surgery at our London clinic, using local anaesthesia. Surgery will be in the hands of an experienced Mohs surgeon, who you will have discussed the procedure with during consultation.
Should you suspect lentigo maligna, arranging a consultation is the first step and helps ensure the problem does not develop into later stage melanoma. Mohs may not be suitable in that event, other options will be but can be more invasive.
Our consultants and Mohs surgeons are here to help with skin cancers at any stage of their development. For any information you need, or to arrange a visit to our London clinic, please get in touch at any time.