The past few years have seen the ability of UK trusts, or health boards to meet their targets worsen. An outcome which can damage psychological and physical health, by bringing delays to diagnosis, or treatment.
Skin Cancer Advice From A BBC Journalist
Sarah Lee explains her melanoma journey, from misdiagnosis, to diagnosis, followed by radical surgery. She highlights the steps we can all take to avoid this and the value of early treatment.
Darker Skin, The Sun & Skin Cancer
Melanin levels in darker skin offer some protection but this is partial and survival rates are lower. See why and the changes you can adopt to protect yourself from skin cancer, or other types of sun damage.
A Sunbed Ban Or Personal Choice
Although they are banned in other countries, sunbed use is a matter of choice in the UK. See the reality of skin cancer cases caused and lives lost, to judge if you feel that legislation would make sense.
Does Looking Tanned Matter
Spring 2022 has arrived and thoughts of the open air, or sunlit beaches follow, along with the wish for a little colour first. See clear evidence on the outcome of choosing the sunbed route before you decide.
Immune System “Boosting” & Skin Cancer
Immune system boosters are widely offered, with ads for them increasing during the pandemic. Do they really help with skin cancer, or any other disease, or should we be looking for better answers.
Dementia & Skin Cancer
With skin cancer often affecting us in later years and dementia doing the same, we should look at the crossover, whether one heightens, or decreases the other and whether treatment should be varied.
Healthy Living & Skin Cancer
That lifestyle factors affect our health is not a surprise and is backed up by recent research. See the factors which control overall health and those relevant to skin cancer, along with ways we can help ourselves.
Is Skin Cancer Gender Biased?
The debate on how much gender behaviour, or biological differences influence skin cancer rates is thought provoking. Even so, the right choices on aspects we can control have a notable effect on incidence and outcome.
Skin Cancer & Home Environments
Enjoying our home is a natural pleasure but a degree of risk management makes sense. Substances in use can degrade our skin and the action of sun through window glass brings a surprising contradiction.