The sun offers pleasure but at the same time, brings forward signs of ageing. The cellular damage underlying this is the cause of skin cancer, a growing, yet avoidable disease we often start to build early in life.
Coronavirus & The UV Cure
Much has been made of using UV light to cure coronavirus, on youtube, instagram, websites and at press conferences. Take a step back from the hype, see what UV rays do and the effect they may have on your body.
Are Mole Testing Apps Useful?
Monitoring moles yourself using an app may seem valuable. Checking your skin regularly is a great idea but should you rely on the performance of an app, or does the latest research question their abilities.
Skin Cancer In Gay Men
There is no sound medical reason why gay, or bisexual men should be more at risk of skin cancer but they are. See how detailed research has identified the level of increased risk and the primary reasons behind this.
Genetic Testing & Melanoma
Why are a range of people under 40 at higher risk of skin cancer, particularly melanoma? See recent research on how the sun and genetics interplay to create risk, along with testing which can help to avoid late treatment.
Avoiding A Skin Cancer Epidemic
One form of cancer has grown faster than any other in the UK. As with others, this is primarily lifestyle based and in the same way that diet, or smoking can bring cancers, we know the primary cause of this condition.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Can Kill
Non melanoma skin cancers are often seen as benign but they may not be. Read about a form which is increasing in the UK and how we can all ensure this doesn’t become a life threatening, or disfiguring problem.
When Medical Advice Matters
Across developed countries, people’s understanding of symptoms their skin shows has improved, from changes in moles, to other unwanted lesions. They still may not act on them, an instinct which they can overcome.
Reality Of The Microbiome
See a video explaining the microbiome and a realistic picture of the medical value. From dubious advertising we are seeing for cosmetics, to the real promise research holds for a range of skin conditions.
Why Skin Check Ups Matter
Check ups are missed at all stages and after about 2 years, this exceeds 30%. See the reality of skin cancer recurrence patterns and why visiting a couple of times a year makes so much sense.