Not a short video but please take a minute to get into a message delivered by people who understand. If you have a 16 year old (or thereabouts) handy, glue them to a chair and have them watch as well.
The video arose because of a young man who died from melanoma, yet is in no sense morbid. Just a message from real people that everyone can help themselves.
Melanoma, as with most skin cancers, is preventable. If that fails, treatment for early stage melanoma is now close to 100% successful. Both are good news, yet 2,500 people still die in the UK each year from melanoma.
Why Target Young People
As you see below, whilst our understanding of skin cancer has increased over time, so have melanoma rates:
Peak incidence is still in the 60 to 70 age range but diagnosis at a younger age has grown significantly. This is expected to increase further, driven by the influx of body consciousness via social media and reality TV.
The older members of our society do understand, we were young once and headed for the sun with bottles of coconut oil to truly burn. As the video said, we didn’t know but that is no longer the case.
The sun is a pleasure and needed for good health, yet too much is a stronger human carcinogen than tobacco. A little avoidance and as importantly, rational precautions make a difference to the future.
You May Be Too Late
If you mean a few years of notable tanning have already happened, there’s still time to change the habit and make a difference. No need to hide indoors all day, just use the knowledge we now have to protect yourself.
Even if you have been exposed too much, or have a family history of skin cancer, or concerns of any form, there’s a fallback. Skin cancer screening is fairly hassle free and the best way to ensure prompt, minimal treatment if needed.
Alongside checking your own skin, getting into the habit of an annual check when you are young is a shrewd move. Peace of mind is shared by all, along with useful advice on safe ways to enjoy the sun.