Excluding BCC & SCC, melanoma is now the 5th most common cancer in the UK, with a 135% rise in incidence since the 1990s.
Whilst the field of medicine has seen other diseases reduce over the last 30 years, malignant melanoma has headed in the opposite direction.
The better news is that treatment has improved, through developing surgical methods, which are often a good solution and new non surgical approaches. Even so, melanoma is still a disease to be avoided, or at least treated early.
Seeing a consultant dermatologist as soon as signs appear reduces treatment and mortality, neither should you be concerned about being wrong, nobody will mind. The question still begs of why incidence rates have increased so much.
Potential Reasons
There are societal aspects, population size has increased and people are living longer. Our body’s ability to fight cancer mutations decreases over time, so there is an effect but this and population levels are relatively small factors.
Although nobody is safe, genetics play a role in melanoma development. Those of us with light skin, freckles, existing moles, a weakened immune system, or a family history of melanoma are at greater risk.
There is however no indication that these inherent factors have increased, population data on ethnicity would suggest otherwise.
Education on skin cancer awareness has increased, on prevention and seeking treatment. We could be seeing greater diagnosis of a condition which always existed but this is not so significant, for a condition long understood.
A greater factor than all the above combined is behavioural change, which has increased exposure to UV rays. This is reflected across age groups, in different ways and to a degree, for different reasons.
The Power Of UV Rays
The sun has provided us with solar energy for 5 billion years, without which we would not exist. The UV rays we rely on can however cause harm and are the primary cause behind most types of skin cancer, including melanoma.
Sunbeds are not new and their use has been curtailed in recent times but they proliferated before this. Whilst they are a lower cause than the sun in a numerical sense, their contribution to skin cancer is disproportionate.
In the majority of cases, succumbing to skin cancer is a slow process and sun bed use, or sunbathing in previous decades is a key factor. A notable increase in overseas holidays from the 1960s onwards underlies this.
The rationale behind sunbathing and sunbeds of a “healthy” tan is a misnomer, tanning is skin damage, at a cellular level. A point which is perhaps better understood in general, although not always by younger people.
The Highest Increase
The numbers of adolescent and young adults diagnosed with melanoma is low, compared to cases where the years have seen the disease mature. Incidence amongst young people is still the area with the highest proportional increase.
Researchers have described this as reaching an epidemic scale, a little bold but they are concerned. No previous generation has been so influenced by body image, largely through the web and social media.
Melanoma, previously viewed as a disease of age is now among the most common cancers in young adult populations. They also tend to have more serious symptoms, often because this unexpected condition is diagnosed at a later stage.
Protecting Yourself
We have mentioned a range of possibilities for the growth in melanoma incidence, considering any of those which apply to you will help. The core issue of sun exposure is still the point we should all reflect upon.
Excessive exposure is causing younger people to contract the disease more quickly but for them and most of us, sun damage builds over time. Taking steps to prevent skin cancer will help, even with previous exposure.
Of equal importance is ensuring that your skin is checked for emerging symptoms. Annual professional visits make sense, with self checks in between.
Please don’t be frightened of melanoma, or other forms of skin cancer. Melanoma treatment and diagnosis have moved on, you simply need to see a dermatologist at the earliest opportunity and they will help.
You may find the options below useful:
- A modern alternative to biopsy: Confocal Microscopy.
- A visual guide to melanoma and: Checking Your Skin.
- Detailed menu on skin cancer: Conditions & Treatments.
- Up to date news and information: Our Skin Cancer Blog.
For any advice, or to arrange a dermatology appointment, call 020 8441 1043, or send an email via the Make An Appointment button below.